Basic Information

Profile Type

Audio Visual Technician

First Name


Last Name


Username (Nickname)


Local City Location

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Years of Experience

4 Years

Audio Visual Skills

Audio Visual Tech, AV Installations, LED Video Wall Tech, Projection Mapping, Stagehand, Truck Loader, Video Editor

Software Proficiency

Asana, Dante, Final Cut Pro

Audio Visual Tech Information


I’m Cesar, I immigrated to the U.S. from France 8 years ago after winning the green card lottery (#lucky!). Since then, I’ve navigated through various roles in Marketing & Media as a website manager and video editor. I also worked in high-end landscaping. Underpinning it all is my passion for creativity, problem-solving, and building cool stuff. Currently wanting to break into the world of event production as an A/V technician.Driven by a relentless work ethic and a passion for growth – I’m ready to make a lasting impact in my field!

Willing To Travel?


Contact Information

Email Address

Phone Number

562 639 9957


Highest Education

Bachelor's Degree

Certificates or Qualifications

Studied Arts, Culture and Medias in France (2009-2012)

Dante certified level 3

Roe Visuals LED technician certified (LED screens building/cabling/ video mapping)


Universite Lille 3, France

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